Wednesday, June 8, 2011

what I think about this class!..:)

     Reading for Pleasure has been a class that has helped me expand my time with reading. I have always had a love for reading fictional books like the book, Diary of a Wimpy Kid, but in this class, I was able to read books like The rules of Survival. This book was nice with a surprising ending. This book has broadened my vocabulary. It also has let me see the good and the bad side of life, maybe more bad than good! this class has given me a good aspect of reading. I know for a fact that i probably wouldn't have read books like these if I didn't take this class. I feel as though I took a lot from this experience and that it will help me in my future.
     I like everything about this class except the blogs. I think that we should have just talked about it in class as a group so that it would be more exciting. I think the blogs were not the best way to go. Maybe if we would have discussed the books as a group, people would have enjoyed this class more. But other than that, this was a nice experience.

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