Wednesday, June 1, 2011

the rules of survival (part 3)

      The kids become really obsessed with Murdoch. Matt was trying to have Murdoch fill in the place as his father, but  think they both knew that it could never be. Soon enough, Murdoch broke up with there mother after Labor day. The plans for them to go out and have a big cookout were over.
       The week after the break up, Nikki decided to go to Murdoch's house. In a way, the kids wanted to go, but at the same time they didn't. So when they got there Nikki took them in the house and left them there.she decided that she wanted to go to the club. Nikki was gone for several weeks without calling our any type of communication. At first the kids didn't mind, but now its starting to bother not only them ,but Murdoch. Matt is still looking for the fatherly figure in Murdoch and becomes upset when he realizes he can't. The kids still have a great time but they wonder where their mom is.

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